Please choose from the following services:
Note: I can work on a sliding fee scale, if needed.
Holistic Health Counseling
Working with the "whole person," addressing the deeper issues to facilitate healing and personal growth for body, mind, and spirit. It shows us what we need to learn about ourselves, also what we need to change about ourselves and exactly what we can control in ourselves. Addressing the emotional and spiritual dimensions, as well as lifestyle issues -- by phone, in person, via Skype, or Facetime.
Spiritual Life Energy Readings
Answering questions for you or anyone in any areas of love, health, career, travel, money, dreams, past lives, spirit guides, animal communication, lost items, or "those on the other side" -- by phone, e-mail, in person, via Skype, or Facetime.
Past Life Regression
Using a relaxation technique, you are regressed to 2, 3 or 4 past lives, allowing you to release your negative fears and blocks from the past. You are then free to experience your present life in happiness and freedom. A great tool for self growth! Available in person only.
Book Studies/Spiritual Development Groups
Ongoing 12-week groups focused on healing and spiritual development, utilizing many forms of meditations and visualizations, affirmations, dream analysis, breathe, chakra balancing, and healing techniques. And, each week, we read designated chapters of a chosen spiritual book for sharing and discussion. Offered in person only, please contact Susan for more information.
Sacred Site Tours
As a Sacred Sites guide, Susan has hosted tours to some of the world's most sacred sites. Tours are conducted several times per year and groups vary in size. Please contact Susan for more information.